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Further information and related topics

How to Choose an LSAT Prep Course


Having trouble figuring out where to start with LSAT preparation? Take some time to evaluate external prep options that can help you structure your LSAT prep. With so many options out there, knowing what to look for in a course will save both time and money.

Application Deadlines for Law School


As you prepare your law school applications, pay close attention to any stated deadlines. Some deadlines are more flexible than others, and not knowing to submit materials can lead to unnecessary stress and frustration. Read on for useful tips to help you submit your applications with confidence!

Tips for Business School Visits


Are you planning a campus visit as part of applying to an MBA program? Campus visits are a great way to learn more about a business school, but it's important to do your research and plan ahead to maximize your trip. Read below for six helpful tips on getting the most out of a campus visit.